Saturday, 15 February 2014

Studio Audit 2013 - A Collaborative Work with Emily Rumney

Emily Rumney & Steph Chalmers - Studio Audit 2013 (detail) - Mixed Media - 890 mm H x 1030mm W
Sampler of media from our studio, September 2013 - pen, pencil, graphite, felt tip, watercolour, gouache, acrylic, ink, pigment 
Emily Rumney & Steph Chalmers with Studio Audit 2013 at the opening of the NZPPA 2014

Emily and I made our first collaborative artwork last year and it was selected for the Waikato Society of Artsannual New Zealand Painting and Printmaking Award for 2014.

We decided to make the work as a way to re-engage with all the different materials we have available to us in the studio. It was also a response to having spent a LOT of time playing Blendoku. 

. . . 

“I tried in my selection to choose not only the entries that I considered to be outstanding, but works that illustrate the diverse styles and media I saw. As a result, the 2014 NZPPA exhibition is made up of everything from digital collage to oil paint, pinhole photography to ballpoint pen.

I am also intrigued by the theme of digital technologies and digitally-led lives that is reflected across these works, from a digital collage that calls to mind 19th century scientific engravings to an abstract painting inspired by social media interactions.”

 - 2014 Judge Courtney Johnston
Director of The Dowse Art Museum

The (very worthy) Winner 2014: 
Stephen Ellis - We Asked For Signs

Merit Award Winners:                    
Hannah Depree - Boys Club 
Jessica Peerless - After Kauri

You can see all of finalists here
Click here for a review by Peter Dornauf for EyeContact 

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Before and After Photos: Studio Sink Splash Back and Shelf

Not sure why it took us so long to get around to it... only took two and a half hours! Easy.